Getting Started with Installation and Setup Guide

Are you tired of switching between multiple command line interfaces to manage your various cloud environments? Do you wish there was a way to manage all your cloud environments from a single command line interface? Well, look no further than! is a powerful tool that allows you to manage multiple cloud environments from the same command line interface. With, you can easily switch between different cloud providers, manage your resources, and automate your workflows. In this article, we will guide you through the installation and setup process for


Before we dive into the installation process, there are a few prerequisites that you need to have in place. First, you need to have a working command line interface installed on your system. Second, you need to have an active account with at least one cloud provider that you want to manage using


The installation process for is straightforward and can be completed in just a few steps. Here's how to get started:

  1. Open your command line interface and navigate to the directory where you want to install

  2. Run the following command to download the installation script:

    curl -sSL | sh

    This command will download the installation script and execute it on your system.

  3. Once the installation script has finished running, you can verify that is installed by running the following command:

    cloudctl version

    This command should output the version number of, indicating that it has been successfully installed.


Now that you have installed on your system, it's time to set it up to manage your cloud environments. Here's how to get started:

  1. Open your command line interface and run the following command to log in to your cloud provider:

    cloudctl login

    This command will prompt you to enter your cloud provider credentials, such as your username and password. Once you have entered your credentials, will authenticate with your cloud provider and store your credentials securely on your system.

  2. Once you have logged in to your cloud provider, you can use the following command to list the available cloud environments:

    cloudctl env list

    This command will list all the cloud environments that you have access to, along with their respective IDs.

  3. To switch to a specific cloud environment, you can use the following command:

    cloudctl env use <environment-id>

    Replace <environment-id> with the ID of the cloud environment that you want to switch to. This command will set the current cloud environment to the one that you specified.

  4. Once you have switched to a specific cloud environment, you can use the following command to list the available resources:

    cloudctl resource list

    This command will list all the resources that are available in the current cloud environment, such as virtual machines, storage accounts, and databases.

  5. To manage a specific resource, you can use the following command:

    cloudctl resource <resource-type> <resource-name> <action>

    Replace <resource-type> with the type of resource that you want to manage, such as vm for virtual machines or storage for storage accounts. Replace <resource-name> with the name of the resource that you want to manage, and replace <action> with the action that you want to perform on the resource, such as start to start a virtual machine or delete to delete a storage account.


In conclusion, is a powerful tool that allows you to manage multiple cloud environments from the same command line interface. With, you can easily switch between different cloud providers, manage your resources, and automate your workflows. By following the installation and setup guide outlined in this article, you can quickly get started with and start managing your cloud environments more efficiently. So what are you waiting for? Give a try today and see how it can simplify your cloud management tasks!

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed