"How to Use Cloudctl.dev to Manage AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud from One Command Line"

Are you tired of managing multiple cloud environments from different command lines? Are you tired of constantly switching between AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud command lines? Well, worry no more! Cloudctl.dev is here to save the day!

Cloudctl.dev allows you to manage multiple cloud environments from the same command line. That's right - you can manage AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud all from one command line. This means you can spend less time switching between different command lines and more time focusing on your work.

In this article, we'll go over how to use Cloudctl.dev to manage AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud from one command line. We'll cover everything from installation to basic usage.


The first step to using Cloudctl.dev is to install it. Cloudctl.dev is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux, so you should be able to find an installation package that works for you.

To install Cloudctl.dev, simply download the installation package for your operating system from the Cloudctl.dev website, and follow the installation instructions.

Once you've installed Cloudctl.dev, you're ready to start using it to manage your cloud environments.

Basic Usage

Cloudctl.dev is designed to be easy to use, even if you're new to managing cloud environments. Here's a quick overview of the basic commands you'll need to know to get started with Cloudctl.dev:


To log in to a cloud provider, simply run the following command:

cloudctl login provider

Replace "provider" with the name of the cloud provider you want to log in to (e.g. "aws", "azure", or "gcp"). You'll then be prompted to enter your credentials for that cloud provider.

List Instances

To list instances in a cloud provider, run the following command:

cloudctl list instances provider

Replace "provider" with the name of the cloud provider you want to list instances in. This will give you a list of all the instances in that cloud provider's account.

Start Instance

To start an instance in a cloud provider, run the following command:

cloudctl start instance provider/instance-id

Replace "provider" with the name of the cloud provider the instance is in, and "instance-id" with the ID of the instance you want to start. This will start the specified instance.

Stop Instance

To stop an instance in a cloud provider, run the following command:

cloudctl stop instance provider/instance-id

Replace "provider" with the name of the cloud provider the instance is in, and "instance-id" with the ID of the instance you want to stop. This will stop the specified instance.

Delete Instance

To delete an instance in a cloud provider, run the following command:

cloudctl delete instance provider/instance-id

Replace "provider" with the name of the cloud provider the instance is in, and "instance-id" with the ID of the instance you want to delete. This will delete the specified instance.

These are just a few of the basic commands you can use with Cloudctl.dev. There are many other commands available, so be sure to check out the Cloudctl.dev documentation for more information.

Advanced Usage

Once you've mastered the basics of Cloudctl.dev, you can start using some of its more advanced features. Here are a few examples:

Configuring Multiple Profiles

If you have multiple accounts with the same cloud provider, you can configure multiple profiles in Cloudctl.dev. This allows you to switch between different accounts without having to log out and log back in each time.

To configure a new profile, use the following command:

cloudctl config profile profile-name provider

Replace "profile-name" with the name you want to give the profile, and "provider" with the name of the cloud provider the profile is for. You'll then be prompted to enter your credentials for that cloud provider.

Using Filters

If you have a large number of instances in your cloud provider account, you can use filters to narrow down your search. For example, you can filter instances by name or tag.

To use a filter, use the following command:

cloudctl list instances provider --filter "filter-expression"

Replace "provider" with the name of the cloud provider you want to list instances in, and "filter-expression" with the expression you want to filter by. For example, to filter instances by name, you can use the following expression:

--filter "name=web-server"

This will list all instances with the name "web-server".

Using Scripts

If you find yourself running the same commands repeatedly, you can use Cloudctl.dev scripts to automate the process. Cloudctl.dev scripts allow you to write a series of commands in a file, and then run them all at once.

To create a script, simply create a file with the commands you want to run, and save it with the extension ".ccs". For example, you could create a file called "start-instances.ccs", with the following contents:

cloudctl start instance aws/i-1234567890abcdef aws/i-0987654321fedcba

You can then run the script using the following command:

cloudctl run script start-instances.ccs

This will run all the commands in the "start-instances.ccs" script.


Cloudctl.dev is a powerful tool for managing multiple cloud environments from the same command line. Whether you're new to cloud management or an experienced cloud administrator, Cloudctl.dev can help you save time and be more productive.

In this article, we've covered the basics of using Cloudctl.dev to manage AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud from one command line. We've also covered a few of the more advanced features, like configuring profiles, using filters, and writing scripts.

If you're interested in learning more about Cloudctl.dev, be sure to check out the Cloudctl.dev documentation. There, you'll find a wealth of information about the tool, as well as tutorials and guides to help you get the most out of it.

So what are you waiting for? Give Cloudctl.dev a try today, and start managing your cloud environments like a pro!

Additional Resources

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datawarehouse.best - cloud data warehouses, cloud databases. Containing reviews, performance, best practice and ideas
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opsbook.dev - cloud operations and deployment
facetedsearch.app - faceted search. Search that is enriched with taxonomies and ontologies, as well as categorical or hierarchal information
terraform.video - terraform declarative deployment using cloud
learngpt.app - learning chatGPT, gpt-3, and large language models llms
cryptodefi.dev - defi crypto, with tutorials, instructions and learning materials
cryptoratings.app - ranking different cryptos by their quality, identifying scams, alerting on red flags
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studylab.dev - learning software engineering and cloud concepts
declarative.run - declarative languages, declarative software and reconciled deployment or generation
recipes.dev - software engineering, framework and cloud deployment recipes, blueprints, templates, common patterns

Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD (haskellr@mit.edu). Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed